

With New Technology & Resilience the Winter Concert Will Go On!

The joy-filled Winter Concert is always a highlight of Poly Arts in December. This year, Dan Doughty 表演艺术系确保了中高中的声乐家和音乐家有机会分享他们的才华,为我们所有人照亮这个季节. (Watch the performance.)

This year, parents, families, alumni, 和朋友们将被邀请在12月11日晚上7点观看音乐会乐队预先录制的表演, Jazz Band, String Ensemble, Concert Choir, Advanced Concert Choir, Tower Singers, A Cappella, Blue Notes, and Harmonics.

Concert Choir, Advanced Concert Choir, Blue Notes

Doughty, who directs Concert Choir, Advanced Concert Choir, and Blue Notes, explained, “Music, singing in particular, 由于COVID-19大流行和对通过气溶胶生产传播病毒的担忧而面临重大挑战. Because of these concerns, the health and safety recommendations call for singers to be masked and stand 12 feet apart. As you can imagine, singing with a mask on, 12 feet apart, makes choral singing a much different experience. One of the biggest challenges this has created is the ability to hear each other. Part of the joy of singing with a choir is to feel and hear the support of voices around you. 不能听到对方的声音是一个挑战,特别是对于刚开始唱歌的学生. 这种情况的一个积极结果是,学生们已经成为更独立的歌手,并发展了他们的听力技能.”

“While we were on campus,” Doughty said, “we rehearsed with a lot of listening—to parts, 录音和轻微的嗡嗡声,然后扩散到安全的距离,以最大的容量唱歌. We had to get creative with rehearsal spaces as the entire class, spread 12-feet apart, would not fit under the tent. The bleachers, the patio outside of the fitness center, and the Malkin Terrace were some of the places we held our rehearsals.” 

Recording each part of the concert was a challenge. “对于我们的音乐会作品,”道蒂说,“我们结合了校园拍摄和技术. Using Soundtrap, a cloud-based recording platform, 学生们合作录制并编辑他们的部分,为我们的表演制作最终的音轨. Then, while on campus, 学生们拍摄了自己对口型的歌曲,这样我们就可以有一个没有面具的视觉来配合他们的声乐表演. Many hours of editing later, and their concert pieces came together.”  

“Despite all of the challenges, 他们一起创作音乐,保持合作精神,这对我们的乐团来说是非常重要的.”

Doughty is rightly proud of Poly vocalists. “在过去的四个月里,我们的歌手表现出了如此多的韧性和正能量,” he said. “They have adapted to protocols, learned new technology platforms, and pushed themselves to work outside of their comfort zones. Despite all of the challenges, 他们一起创作音乐,保持合作精神,这对我们的乐团来说是非常重要的.”  

Daniela Diaz ’21

Daniela Diaz ’21, a member of Advanced Concert Choir, said she 排练她的部分主要是通过与班上的其他学生一起在分组讨论室学习音乐和时机, as well as listening to recordings of Doughty singing the different parts, reading over the music, and listening to recordings of her part being played. “我想说,我最大的挑战是试图导航我们用来录制声音部分的网站, Soundtrap,” said Diaz, ”and adjusting to singing the parts by myself at home, 尤其是合唱团最重要的部分之一是倾听其他学生的声音,并作为一个合奏团工作. However, despite many of the challenges of adjusting to learning the music during COVID-19, 我想说,我最自豪的是,班上的每个人都设法团结起来,相互合作,以创造出真正新的、有创意的方式,以最大限度地利用这种情况,同时还能上演一场精彩的演出. 通过音乐找到新的工作方式真的让我大开眼界,也给了我学习更多东西的新机会.” 

Jazz Band and Concert Band
Dr. Orrin Wilson
Dr. Orrin Wilson

Dr. Orrin Wilson leads the Jazz Band along with Chris Benvegna, and teaches Upper School Music and Middle School Instrumental Music. “我认为最大的挑战之一是当天气改变我们排练的方式时,户外空间的使用,” said Dr. Wilson. Videos of the Jazz Band rehearsing on the Malkin Terrace were a big hit on social media.  “在下雨天,我们将处于虚拟状态,这使得集体演奏变得困难,而在寒冷的日子里,由于持续的寒冷,我们无法完全集中精力演奏. 学生们已经取得了胜利,并且非常努力地为冬季音乐会做出了贡献.” 

Chris Benvegna
Chris Benvegna

“Not much of a surprise per se,” he continued, “但尽管经历了以COVID-19为中心的崩溃经历,但学生们在日常音乐创作中表现得非常有弹性. All the students show up with the right equipment, at the right time, ready to concentrate, 这是我对他们所能要求的一切,同时我也在努力维持一个正常的音乐环境,让我作为一个年轻的音乐家成长和成熟. I am proud of the work they are doing and will continue to do. My main slogan to them is, ‘See it Through.’” 

Mary Kinnane ’22

Benvegna, who also directs Concert Band, said, “最难的部分是不知道我们是在学校还是在虚拟世界. We were hoping to record our piece live on campus, but the weather had other plans. The musicians were incredibly cooperative and willing to adapt to every situation.” 

“We have rehearsed both in person all together, as well as in smaller groups and at home,” said longtime band member Mary Kinnane ’22. “我认为我们最大的挑战之一是,当我们不能一起练习时,努力确保我们都是同步的. Even though we only practiced together a few times, I’m proud of the band that we got the piece together and in sync so quickly.”

Harmonics and A Cappella

Charlotte Knutsen ’21, the student leader of the women’s a cappella group Harmonics, said, “为Harmonics制作视频最困难也是最有趣的事情可能是视频和音频编辑. I only started learning last spring when school went virtual, so I am still very much an amateur, 但随着我对编辑越来越熟悉,它变得不像苦差事,更像一种艺术形式.”  About the Harmonics, she said, “在新的日程安排和虚拟排练下,他们惊人的承诺和灵活性给我留下了深刻的印象.” 

“One of the big reasons that I love being a part of Poly’s a cappella groups is performance night,” said Nina Ryan ’21. “对于Harmonics来说尤其如此,因为我们是一个充满活力的团体,所以音乐会总是超级有趣. 要确保每个人都仍然兴奋,我们的虚拟表演仍然引人入胜,这是一项挑战. I am most proud of the song we’re currently working on for the Winter Concert, “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” by Stevie Wonder. When we started this year, it was on both Charlotte and my lists for potential songs so we knew we had to do it. It’s coming together beautiful.”

As she looked forward to the first rehearsal, Jasmine Donald, a new member of Harmonics, said, “我面临的最大挑战是找到自信,为我们的歌曲献上我的角色,甚至出现在排练中. I am most proud of our latest cover to “Cooler Than Me” that was showcased at the Coffeehouse. We all worked extremely hard and our hard work paid off. 我也为自己感到骄傲,因为我能够真正地把自己放在那里,尽我最大的努力.”

Maddy Wyatt
Maddy Wyatt

Maddy Wyatt, who leads A Cappella, 他说,最明显的挑战是无法在一起合作和排练. “Though technology provides many solutions to the problems we’ve encountered during the pandemic,” she said, “it also isolates us from one another, and asks our singers to be soloists in their homes, recording their parts individually, without the guide and comfort of their fellow ensemble members. The challenge also lies with us as faculty members, to suddenly become audio engineers and videographers, in order to create a cohesive whole out of many moving parts.”

She continued, “The process demands that students step out of their comfort zones, trust themselves to perform their parts individually, and bravely offer their solo performances toward the creation of a finished musical piece. It has pleasantly surprised me, especially in the Middle School, that the students are willing to contribute, and might even be having a little fun while doing it.” 

String Ensembles
Carrie Dowell
Carrie Dowell

Other challenges faced string players. “I am proud of the Upper School String Ensemble, the String Rays, and Advanced Strings Piano Trio,” said Carrie Dowell, who directs the musicians, “and their ability to work so well in the outdoor space this year. 音乐家们喜欢在一起表演,在这段时间有校园让我们有了这个机会.  Mother Nature was most often in our favor. 弦乐器对天气变化很敏感,在风中用冰冷的手指演奏又增加了一个需要克服的因素.  从听觉和视觉的角度来看,在排练和音乐会期间保持社交距离都是一项挑战. I am thrilled we were able to film the Winter Concert before the Thanksgiving break.”

Michael S. Robinson, Head of Arts, shared, “在冠状病毒安全措施下,音乐教师和学生对音乐创作的创新反应体现了他们的承诺, 2020年冬季音乐会用新方法和新技术庆祝和展示我们蓬勃发展的音乐节目!” 

See the Winter Concert program.

Watch the performance.
